Letter to Kazimierz Twardowski written 21.02.1926
Lviv, 21/2/1926
Most Honourable Professor.
First of all, I’m very sorry that I didn’t telephone a second time, but afterwards I left the school and went to the Univ. Library, and once there I forgot to telephone again. I told Ms Jarzębińska[O1] that if it was up to me, the Section meeting could be held on Saturday, and added only that Dr Igel [O2] had asked me whether Section meetings couldn’t be arranged on some other day, given that he was usually busy on Saturdays. I raised this issue because Mr Igel had taken an active part in the last discussion and I have the impression that he’d speak up again if he could be present. As I didn’t know whether another day, e.g. next Friday, would suit you, I also indicated that I’d ask you for a decision concerning this matter. Given that – as I gather from your letter – only Saturday, of all the days in the week, would come into play, I inform you that next Saturday, 26/2, I can be present and that I’ll be very glad if the meeting of the Section can take place this week. Thus I’m not planning to go to Cracow until Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, and possibly Thursday.
By the way, I apologise that I couldn’t be at your place yesterday. However, I had such bad catarrh and cough that I took advantage of Sunday to stay home, especially given the severe frost.
I enclose expressions of profound esteem, and, finally, apologise that the information I gave over the telephone was ambiguous.
Roman Ingarden
[O1]Fryderyka Jarzębińska (1895‒1950) (asystentka Twardowskiego)
[O2]Najprawdopodobnie Salomon Igel (1889‒1942)