Letter to Kazimierz Twardowski written 08.03.1930
Lviv, 8/3/30
Most Honourable Professor!
Thank you kindly for sending me the catalogues of pedagogical works. At the same time I apologise for not giving Sawicki[O1] a receipt upon receiving the catalogues. That happened because I opened the envelope only after Sawicki had left. Accordingly, I’m enclosing the completed receipt in this letter. Given this opportunity, I’m also enclosing the Niemeyer catalogue sent to me a few days ago giving the titles of all the works of phenomenologists which have appeared in this edition. I received several copies of this catalogue, so I’m happy to supply you with one of them.
I enclose expressions of profound esteem and respect
Roman Ingarden
[O1]Może Jerzy Sawicki, właść. Izydor Reisler (1910‒67)