Letter to Kazimierz Twardowski written 28.02.1924
Toruń, 28/2/1924
Most Honourable Professor!
First of all, I’d like to offer you my most fervent wishes for all prosperity on the occasion of your approaching Name-Day ‒ above all, of course, the very best health and satisfaction in your work. I rejoice at the thought that perhaps next year I’ll be able to offer you these wishes in person.
Given this opportunity, I also wanted to arrange the following matter:
When at some point I received information from you regarding the impossibility of publishing my paper through the Scientific Society, I turned to Philosophical Review, through the mediation of Prof. Witwicki, with a proposal to have my paper printed. Due to its length, however, I received a negative response. In light of this, I considered my conscience to be clear regarding the failure to publish my paper in Polish – and on Saturday wrote my latest letter to Husserl with a proposal to have my paper published in [Philosophical] Yearbook. And today I received word from Husserl that he’s just begun to print Volume VII; that he’s accepting my paper for this volume; and that in April – as I promised – I’m to send it to be printed. Thus the matter is settled. At the same time, this will enable me to take a trip for a few weeks over the summer to see Husserl, as I’ll get at least a few hundred francs as remuneration.
Since last Saturday I’ve been translating my paper into German. However, the text I’m working on is not the final one, and moreover is very unclear and full of cross-outs. Accordingly, I politely ask you to send the typed manuscript of my paper back to me, since you don’t need it at the moment anyway, whereas it’ll make my work significantly easier. So as not to trouble you with this matter, I’m also writing to Kazik Ajdukiewicz with a request for him to take care of sending the manuscript.
I’m guessing, then, that the paper will see the light of day at some point around the end of May. At present it’s only a question of the summary appearing in the journal published by the Scientific Soc. before that date ‒ so that my paper won’t be disqualified as a habilitation thesis. Since you wrote that there wouldn’t be any difficulties in this respect, I’m assuming that as of now nothing has changed. Therefore I ask you most politely to present my paper and to use your influence to avoid any delay in printing. As the date set for Yearbook’s appearance doesn’t depend on me, I wouldn’t be able to postpone the deadline in this case.
Offering once again my warm wishes, I enclose expressions of the most profound respect
Roman Ingarden